Economic Outlook

Civilian Labor Force
Over 92.65% of the labor force aged 16 years and older were employed in the city. The unemployment rate was under 7.35% and 12.9% of the population was living below the poverty line.
Over 92.65% of the labor force aged 16 years and older were employed in the city. The unemployment rate was under 7.35% and 12.9% of the population was living below the poverty line.
Type of Workers
The largest class of workers were paid in salary and private wages, followed by government and self-employment.
The most common employment sectors for those who live in city were, Educational Services, Healthcare & Social Assistance. This chart shows the share breakdown of the primary industries the residents.
Income and Benefits
Households median annual income is $40k, and a per capita income is reported at $21k. The majority of the populations earns between $50k – $75k. The highest amount of benefits earned came from social security income. The average amount was $20,000.
Income and Benefits
The highest amount of benefits earned came from social security income. The average amount was $21,000.
The largest share of households have a property value in the $200k-$300k range. The median property value is $225k.